Thanks for Resident Scrutiny Group members who go the extra mile…

Thanks for Resident Scrutiny Group members who go the extra mile…

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Thanks for Resident Scrutiny Group members who go the extra mile…

2 June 2016

Resident Scrutiny Group members and Methilhill residents, Betty Thomson and Christine Smith, were yesterday presented with flowers to thank them for their consistent commitment, determination and enthusiasm in helping make our Community Café events a huge success.

Both Betty and Christine have been devoted members of the Resident Scrutiny Group since it was formed in 2013 and their support in promoting and improving resident participation has been invaluable. The ladies always make the effort to assist at our Community Café events, setting up the kitchen and catering for the local residents with plenty of tea, coffee, cakes and biscuits – in fact we estimate that the duo have poured over 1,000 cuppas since our cafés began!

Our cafés, which sometimes see over 100 attendees, would simply not be possible without the support and dedication of tenants like Betty and Christine.

Betty and Christine with John Bell, Interim Chair of the Resident Scrutiny Group.
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