Lots of people find the holiday period difficult so we have pulled together a list of contact numbers that you may find useful to ensure you have the support you need over the festive break:
Emergency - 999
Police - 101
Crimestoppers - 0800 555 111
Fife Council Public Protection Team - 03451 55 55 50
Homeless emergencies - 0800 028 6231
Housing information/advice - 03451 55 00 33
Frontline Fife (homelessness service) -01592 800430
Fife Council - 03451 55 00 00
Scottish Gas Networks (gas leak) - 0800 111 999
Power cuts and safety helpline - 105
Fife Women’s Aid - 0808 802 5555
Shakti Fife (ethnic minority women) - 01383 732289
Scottish Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline - 0800 027 1234
Abused Men in Scotland - 0808 800 0024
FearFree (Men, LGBT+ and BME communities) - 0131 624 7270
Revenge Porn Helpline – 0845 6000 459
National Stalking Helpline - 0808 802 0300
Rape Crisis Scotland - 08088 01 03 02 or text 07537 410 027
Fife Rape and Sexual Assault Centre - 01592 642336
NHS 24 - 111
NHS Inform - 0800 22 44 88
Samaritans - 116 123
Support in Mind - 01592 268 388
Sexual Health Fife - 01592 64 79 79
Touched by Suicide - 01294 274 273
Survivors of bereavement by suicide - 0300 111 5065
Adult Protection - 01383 602200
Social Work - 03451 55 15 03 (Out of hours emergencies - 03451 55 00 99)
Fife Gingerbread (supports lone parents) – 01592 725 210
Scottish Welfare Fund (Crisis and community care grants) - 0300 555 0265
Citizens Advice and Rights Fife - 0345 1400 095
Tax Credit Helpline - 0345 300 3900
Money Advice Scotland - 0141 572 0237
Universal Credit Line - 0345 600 4272