At home with Fife Housing Group – 10 June 2020

At home with Fife Housing Group – 10 June 2020

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At home with Fife Housing Group – 10 June 2020

10 June 2020

Welcome to our latest round-up of information and advice which you may find useful during the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.

We are endeavouring to maintain as many services as possible and remain fully contactable on 08000 274 007 and via Please also note that our text number changed to 07520 632 740 on Monday 6 April.

Although we are currently restricting repairs to emergencies and gas/electrical safety checks only, non-emergency and routine repairs are being logged to be scheduled as soon as possible after we are advised that it is safe to do so.

With this in mind, we continue to monitor government guidance closely and are already looking at how we might start to reinstate additional services as we enter the next phase of lockdown.

A more detailed update on our services can be found here.

Has your income been affected by Coronavirus? Are you worried about paying your rent?

If you have any concerns about paying your rent, please get in touch with us so that we can look at how we can support you and your family through these difficult financial times. Your housing officer can provide you with benefits information and advice, as well as details of additional support which may be available.

A number of tenants continue to receive their normal income, receiving payment from their employer, and/or income from benefits and pensions. If you are one of these tenants then you need to continue making your rent payments as usual.

The money received via rents is used to manage your home and to provide a good quality service, which is why it is so important that, if your income is not affected by Coronavirus, you continue to pay your rent as normal.

There are various ways you can pay your rent without the need to leave your home, this can be over the telephone with our colleagues, via our payment app or online. If you have any questions regarding this, please speak with your housing officer who will be happy to help.

Home exchanges

As you will be aware, at the beginning of the Covid-19 lockdown we temporarily suspended the processing of mutual exchanges. At present, this suspension remains in place, however, we continue to monitor the advice and guidance from the Scottish Government and hope to be in a position to remove this suspension soon.


The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service have launched a new campaign to reach people who are over 50, smoke and live alone, have mobility issues or use medical oxygen, in an effort to help saves lives amongst some of the groups at greatest risk of fire in the home in Scotland.

If you, or someone you know, fall into this category then #MakeTheCall by phoning 0800 0731 999 or text ‘FIRE’ to 80800 to arrange a FREE home fire safety visit.

Garden Competition 2020

‘Reach for a rainbow’ and you could win £25

Up and down the country, people have been drawing or painting rainbows and putting them in windows to show support for the NHS and other key workers their community – as well to make people smile!

We’re giving our tenants the opportunity to get even more involved by asking anyone, young or old, with an interest in art to draw, paint or create a picture containing a rainbow and enter it into our ‘Reach for a rainbow’ competition by emailing it to before 12noon on Friday 19 June.

This competition is open to all Fife Housing Group tenants, with categories for every age group, so get creative and find out how you can showcase your skills on our website.

These are just some of the amazing entries we’ve received so far…

Our last update, containing information on a new ‘Safe Spaces’ initiative for victims of domestic abuse, details of reinstated bin collections and access to recycling centres and tips for looking after your mental health during the current crisis, can be found here.

You can also check out a list of frequently asked questions regarding the impact of coronavirus here.

Stay safe.

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