Chair of the Board, Maureen Garvie, took the opportunity to highlight the transformation we have undergone during the past year, not only through the launch of our new brand identity, but, more importantly, through our focus on ‘Getting the basics right’ by embracing the values which our new logo represents and embedding them throughout the Group. She also drew members’ attention to particularly significant developments such as our Customer Satisfaction Survey results; the organisational restructure; improved engagement opportunities; delivery of our Asset Management Strategy; the implementation of our letting standard and our ongoing customer profiling.
Looking to the future, Mrs Garvie advised that the Group has real aspirations for growth as our performance continues to improve, seeing us entering a new phase in our development with strong leadership in place, better equipped to deal with the opportunities and challenges ahead, well on the road to becoming the high performing, forward thinking organisation our tenants, customers and stakeholders deserve.
We continue to work hard at improving the service we provide to tenants and other customers and our Board of Management play an integral role in this responsible for providing leadership and guidance and accountable to the members of the Group at the AGM.
Our rules state that a third of our Board Members must stand down at the AGM each year and in this instance the three Board Members required to stand down were: Maureen Garvie, Stephen Clark and Katherine Dewar, all of whom were willing to stand for re-election.
Nominations were also received for one new member, Margaret McGarry, to seek election.
As the number of members standing for election did not exceed vacant spaces available, all four were elected without a vote.
Therefore, our Board members for the coming year are as follows: Maureen Garvie (Chairperson), Patricia Dickson (Vice Chairperson), Anila Ahmad, Derek Adam, Helen Boath, Colin McNeill, Stephen Clark, Katherine Dewar, Fiona Hunter, Sandra Stock and Margaret McGarry.